Unlike Death Note and certain other manga titles, Bleach isn't listed in 500 Essential Graphic Novels One such series I identified in 11 (based on ratings and comments at Goodreads) was Bleach but it wasn't until six days ago that I found the first volume, Strawberry and the Soul Reapers in my local book shop's manga section Bleach Asylum has a new home, because a new domain has been acquired "Death Saves the Strawberry", and "Honey Dish Rhapsody" at least are cohesive and make sense, but "We Are Knot Loves You"? Death & Strawberry index contact history dedicated to the hero and heroine of BLEACH, celebrating their fundamental relationship with this collection of fanmade material alongside the various amounts of official content
Death And Strawberry Bleach Amino
Bleach death and strawberry meaning